(1) 主持,国家自然科学青年项目,11901113,数据驱动的非平稳信号时频算法研究及应用,2020/1-2022/12,22 万元,在研
(2) 主持,广州市科技计划项目(一般项目专题),201904010225,基于深层神经网络非平稳时间序列预测的研究—以金融股市时间序列为例,2019/4-2021/3,20 万元,已结题
(3) 主持,广东省教育厅科研项目(青年创新人才类项目),2017KQNCX083,基于机器学习的金融时间序列预测问题的研究,2018/4-2020/3,2 万元,已结题
(4) 广东省自然科学基金项目(自由申请项目),2018A030313703,高维多目标优化算法及其在物流调度中的应用,2018/5-2021/4,10 万元,在研,参与
(5) 广东省教育厅科研项目(重大项目),2017WZDXM012,基于B2B 平台的供应链金融个性化服务与优化研究,2018/4-2021/3,10 万元,在研,参与
(6) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,11501584,图像复原中非凸稀疏优化问题的快速算法,2016/1-2018/12,18 万元,已结题,参与
(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11371017, 单分量框架与信号自适应稀疏表示,2014/1-2017/12,55 万元,已结题,参与
[1] Feng Zhou#, Huafei Li, Lihua Yang, Zhihua Yang, Linyan Gu*, A novel image deblocking approach within a graph framework, Digital Signal Processing, under review.
[2] Linyan Gu#, Lihua Yang, Feng Zhou*, Refinements of approximation results of conditional restricted Boltzmann machines, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2021.3105129.
[3] Feng Zhou#, Haomin Zhou, Zhihua Yang, Linyan Gu*, IF2CNN: Towards non-stationary time series feature extraction by integrating iterative filtering and convolutional neural networks, Expert Systems with Applications, 170(2021): 114527. (SCI中科院一区, Top 期刊)
[4] Qun Zhang#, Lijun Yang, Feng Zhou*, Attention enhanced long short-term memory network with multi-source heterogeneous information fusion: An application to BGI Genomics, Information Science, 553(2021):205-330. (SCI中科院一区, Top 期刊)
[5] Feng Zhou#, Qun Zhang*, Dider Sornette, Liu Jiang. Cascading logistic regression onto gradient boosted decision trees for forecasting and trading stock indices. Applied Soft Computing, 2019, 84:105747. (SCI中科院一区, Top 期刊, 引用量:24)
[6] Feng Zhou#, Haomin Zhou, Zhihua Yang, Lihua Yang*, EMD2FNN: A strategy combining empirical mode decomposition and factorization machine based neural network for stock market trend prediction, Expert Systems with Application, 2019, 115:136-151. (SCI中科院一区, Top 期刊,引用量:55)
[7] Feng Zhou#*, Haomin Zhou, Zhihua Yang, Lihua Yang, A 2-stage strategy for non-stationary signal prediction and recovery using iterative filtering and neural network, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2019, 34(2):318-338. (SCI中科院二区)
[8] Feng Zhou#, Lijun Yang, Haomin Zhou, Lihua Yang*, Optimal averages for nonlinear signal decompositions-another alternative for empirical mode decomposition, Signal Processing, 2016, 121:17-29. (SCI中科院二区,引用量:16)
[9] 周锋#*,,曾雪迎,杨力华,一种基于正则化的稀疏表示方法,数学学报,2015, 5(4):649-660.
[10] Linyan Gu#, Feng Zhou, Lihua Yang*, Towards the representational power of restricted Boltzmann machines, Neurocomputing, 415(2020):358-367. (SCI中科院二区,Top 期刊)
[11] Zhihua Yang#, Feng Zhou, Lihua Yang, Qian Zhang*, A new prediction method for recommendation system based on sampling reconstruction of signal on graph, Expert Systems with Application, 159(2020):113587. (SCI中科院一区, Top 期刊)
[12] Lijun Yang#, Zhihua Yang, Feng Zhou, Lihua Yang*, A novel envelope model based on convex constrained optimization, Digital Signal Processing, 2014, 29:138-146. (SCI中科院二区)
[13] Zhihua Yang#, Qian Zhang, Feng Zhou, Lihua Yang*, Hilbert spectrum analysis of piecewise stationary signals and its application to texture classification, Digital Signal Processing, 2018, 82:1-10. (SCI中科院二区)
(1) International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
(2) 广东省计算数学协会会员
(1) 2021/7 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
(2) 2020/10-2020/11 Expert Systems with Applications
(3) 2019/6-2019/7 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
(4) 2018/11-2019/2 Financial Innovation
(5) 2018/7-2019/2 Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis
(6) 2018、2019、2020 International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
(1) 2021/4/23-2021/4/25 参与“多尺度物理过程的数学模型和数值方法”研
讨会,并作学术报告Attention enhanced LSTM with multi-source heterogeneous information fusion 北京师范大学(珠海校区)
(2) 2020/11作学术报告Attention enhanced LSTM with multi-source heterogeneous information fusion: An application to BGI Genomics 中国地质大学(武汉)
(3) 2019/11 邀请中山大学杨力华教授、浙江大学李松教授、北京航空航天大学陈迪荣教授来校报告
(4) 2020/11 参与工业与应用数学学会年会 工业与应用数学学会
(5) 2020/12 参与广东省计算数学学会年会 广东省工业与应用数学学会
(6) 2019/7 参与全国大数据与人工智能大会 工业与应用数学学会
(7) 2019/5 参与计算调和分析与统计学习国际学术会议 河海大学